
No Slap Oscars Bring Joy To Gen X & Boomers Alike

This film is closer to the original “A Christmas Story” than any other of the renditions like the Daniel Stern (Home Alone, City Slickers) “A Christmas Story 2” a very sad return to the franchise. Then most recently, the Maya Rudolph (Saturday Night Live, Bridesmaids) helmed, A Christmas Story Live is strong proof of this holiday classic.

Ghostface Glam Returns

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”! ~Mike Tyson answered when questioned about his opponents gameplan. Ghostface glam returns, with a straight shot to the mouth. It seems no matter where you go you could be attached to Ghostface until your death in this series, and with this sequel all the rules are slashed to the bone.

White Men Can Learn To Care

This film is closer to the original “A Christmas Story” than any other of the renditions like the Daniel Stern (Home Alone, City Slickers) “A Christmas Story 2” a very sad return to the franchise. Then most recently, the Maya Rudolph (Saturday Night Live, Bridesmaids) helmed, A Christmas Story Live is strong proof of this holiday classic.

This Cabin Isn’t Big Enough For Us All

Have people ever invaded your space to the point you feel their breath against the nape of your neck, a stranger’s breath, in such a violating manner and you become immediately irritated?… Only for them to get right back in your zone of privacy.

Ritchie Delivers A More Gritty Drama

The Spy/ Heist~ Thriller, that is not actually a Heist or Spy, story is a domain known all too well by Director Guy Ritchie. Ritchie’s sense of humor may be his greatest gift to his films and Operation Fortune: Russe De Guerre may be his most accomplished to date.