
It Came From Texas Film Festival

There needs to be a return to raunchy humor. Dogs might pull in the parents and kids, but Strays is real, and raunchy, dirty dog humor. Strays is what exalts the stray in all humanity, men, it’s mostly men who can relate. Lost animals, running wild, feeling unabashed, abandoned, and unloved in their life…. with some hidden shame wait.

Rise of The Animatronic Murderbots

There needs to be a return to raunchy humor. Dogs might pull in the parents and kids, but Strays is real, and raunchy, dirty dog humor. Strays is what exalts the stray in all humanity, men, it’s mostly men who can relate. Lost animals, running wild, feeling unabashed, abandoned, and unloved in their life…. with some hidden shame wait.

Totally Killer! A Time Travelling Photo Booth……with MURDER

There’s just no way around it,.. what was created with “Into the Spider-verse” was going to be a massively difficult film to follow up. The sequel had little chance, with the original -Oscar award-winner. “Into the Spider-verse” did just that. It brought the audience into a new universe different from that of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

A universe of a new Spider-man superhero in a world within their own universe, where due to a scientific experiment in multi-dimensional travel caused crashes between these Universes. Much like the occurrence in “Spider-man: No Way Home”.

A Scary Return to Movies Based On Disney Rides That Work

There needs to be a return to raunchy humor. Dogs might pull in the parents and kids, but Strays is real, and raunchy, dirty dog humor. Strays is what exalts the stray in all humanity, men, it’s mostly men who can relate. Lost animals, running wild, feeling unabashed, abandoned, and unloved in their life…. with some hidden shame wait.