Flight quarters, Flight quarters… began the phrase that announces to all of the crew in a repetitive silique that flight operations have begun on the ship. 30 years later I […]
Multiverseee—WohooWeee Check My Pants!
Doctor Strange still dealing with the issues of the multiverse leftover from Spiderman no way home is the basis of the story told in the multiverse of madness. Knowing so little about this multidimensional universe doc dirt strange reaches out to Wanda Maximoff for assistance and understanding, but soon learns the only assistance he may receive could come from the Scarlet Witch.
National Champions – Worth the Pay to Play?
Who will truly decide the national champions, will Nike, will Reebok, or will Under Armor decide our national champions or will ESPN answer the call to tell us who’s exists as the best of our national sports landscape? The future is unclear now as corporate interests invade the field to garnish student athletes’ social media feed and influence.
No Time To Die: Where Do We Go From Here?
By Alyson Powers @m1sspowers James Bond has been and will always personify the goals and aspirations of men. In addition, he embodies the fairy tales and fulfills the fantasies of women. […]
Spider-Man No Way Home(coming)
The third installment of Tom Holland’s (The Impossible, Chaos Walking) Spider-Man finds the Marvel universe fully embracing multiple dimensions. The doxing of Peter Parker as Spiderman, by J. Jonah Jameson […]