“Sympathy, Love, Fortune… We all have these qualities but still tend to not use them!”– Anne Frank People find clarity through distance. Often, the farther away something is the more […]
Author: Alyson Powers
They Always Get Their Shot
Dude Perfect. Is it sports or is it not? ESPN seems to think yes. Living the Dream as a definition would be … waking up every day excited about your […]
When Masks Can’t Hide Pain
If you have ever hidden behind your hand to blind your sight from a scary scene, you can understand, partly, half of the avoidant tactic toward uncomfortable situations. Most hide […]
DUNE 2 Hits Every Beat
You will feel every moment, if you let it take you. Feel your muscles as they tense. Harsh environments, relentlessly knocking, wait for an answer. DUNE denies humanity. But only […]
One Love is a Rastafarian Contact High
“Blessed are the peacemakers.” – JC If you can get past these next few intentionally long sentences, you might enjoy this review / more like a background of One Love. […]