Uncut Gems the movie. Complete utter chaos and abnormally beautiful. A real black opal explains the glorious chaos clutching this film together better than any words can. I’ve never experienced anything like it. #irritation #grittingteeth #music #scrapingachalkboard #movies #filmreview about an #eyeopening story about #life pigs get fat hogs get slaughtered #opal #blackopal #genius #adamsandler Can I have a letter F please ? The way direction puts it together … lighting one problem off of another in sequence … is uncomfortable to the extreme. People live a way that digs a grave deeper and deeper until they become buried.
So you have the indecency of man exposed, and it’s relatable— a downward spiral. In this case a chase to debauchery. With consequences and consequences and pressures and heat and danger and suffocation which is the exact formulaic procedure the opal had to endure in order to become so beautiful. You don’t know why it’s beautiful— It’s disorganized and has no perfection in color. I felt buried watching this. Choked and stressed. The main characters certainly are and of their own doing. It will make you want to live a more peaceful life. But you will love Howard (Adam Sandler) by the movie’s end and you won’t know why you do. As for the awkward, distracting, distressing “score?” I suppose serves its purpose.