Tag: review

Ritchie Delivers A More Gritty Drama

The Spy/ Heist~ Thriller, that is not actually a Heist or Spy, story is a domain known all too well by Director Guy Ritchie. Ritchie’s sense of humor may be his greatest gift to his films and Operation Fortune: Russe De Guerre may be his most accomplished to date.

Just Say No! To Feeding Bears Cocaine

A true tale from the 80s era of excess, just say no and finds its way to the silver screen. Not hard to find the humor in a bear on cocaine, unless you’re on the receiving end of teeth and claws. Smartly, seeing the lore surrounding the 1985 newscasts that covered the incident of a bear overdosing on cocaine, Elizabeth Banks (Pitch Perfect, Hunger Games) has taken this story to new heights.

To Tell A Tale Of The Long Road Home

A story of the wonder of life and the process of aging told in an astonishing maneuver, director and writer Collin West shares his process of dealing with his own grandfather’s death, with a unique telling of the process of aging that has ever been brought to the screen.

Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

“Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” After Blue begins by chronicling humanities exodus from a dying earth to the cosmos in search of a new home. That brings them to a faraway planet called After Blue. On the surface, it looks to be the utopia needed to reset humanity. This not to be the case.